
Ontogenetic shifts in thermal tolerance, selected body temperatureand thermal dependence of food assimilation and locomotor performance in a lacertid lizard, Eremias brenchleyi

Authors: Xue-Feng Xu, Xiang ji Year: 2006 Journal: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 143 118-124 紹介者: 五味真人

20年度研究紹介「淡水性巻貝からみるヘイケボタル(Luciola lateralis)生息地環境評価」

発表者: 柿本恵里那 KEYWORDS:

Geographic variation in the two-spot ladybird in England and wales

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Morhological shifts in island-dweeing birds:The roles of generalist foraging and niche expansion(Coleoptera:Lampyridae), a representative endemic species of Japanese rural landscapes

Author: S.N.Scott,S.M.Clegg,S.P.Blomberg,J.kikkawa and I.P.f.Owens Year: 2003 Journal: Evolution,57(9),2003,pp2147-2156 紹介者: 藤田 薫

Green tails in lizards of the genus Podarcis:Do they infuluence the intensity of predation?

Authors: Castilla AM,Gosa A,Galan P,Perez-Mellado V Year: 1999 Journal: Herpetilogica 55:530-37 紹介者: 栗山 武夫