

発表者:樋口 拓人(地理生態学研究室 修士1年) keywords:全ゲノム解析,分子進化,遺伝子重複,転移因子

Population differences in predation on Batesian mimics in allopatry with their model: selection against mimics is strongest when they are common

発表者:鈴木 翔(地理生態学研究室 修士1年) keywords:Apostatic predation,Batesian mimicry, Frequency-dependent selection, Predation

Life history and multiscale habitat preferences of the redlisted Balkan Goldenring, Cordulegaster heros Theischinger, 1979 (Insecta, Odonata),in South-Hungarian headwaters: does the species have mesohabitat-mediated microdistribution?

発表者:伊勢崎 泰(地理生態学研究室 修士1年) keywords:Odonata・Larvae・Life cycle・Spatial microdistribution・Meso-and microhabitat preference