

発表者: 小賀野 大一 keyward:環境教育・外来生物


発表者: 藤田 薫 keyward:キブシ・種子散布・フェノロジー・化学的防御

A Method for Estimating Age-Composition from Length-Frequency by Using Stochastic Growth Equation

Authors: Eiji Tanaka and Syoiti Tanaka Year: 1990 Journal: Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 56(8),1209-1228 紹介者: 中西亜耶

Preliminary conservation status and needs of an oceanic island fauna:the case of Seychelles insects

Authors: Justin Gerlach Year: 2008 Journal: J Insect Conserv 12;293-305 紹介者: 竹田 祐輝