
Ecomorphological variation in shell shape of the freshwater turtle Pseudemys concinna inhabiting different aquatic flow regimes

Authors: Gabriel Rivera Year: Journal: Integrative and Comparative Biology,volume48,number6,pp.769-787 紹介者: 青山 正志(地理生態学研究室修士2年) keyward:

A seed predator drives the evolution of a seed dispersal mutualism

Authors: Adam M.Siepielski and Craig W.Benkman Year: 2008 Journal: Proceeding of the Royal society Biological science 275,1917-1925 紹介者: 藤田 薫(地理生態学研究室 研究生) keyward:conflicting selection,mutualism,phenotypic selection,sec…

Impacts of introduced weasel on the insular food webs

Authors: Masami Hasegawa Year: 1999 Journal: In H.Ohta(ed) Diversity of reptiles, amphicians and other terestrial animals on trophical islands:origin,current status and conservation.p129-154 紹介者: 柊 雅実(地理生態学研究室修士1年) keyw…