
Distribution of the Japanese Wagtail Motacilla grandis in Korea

Authors: Chang-Yong CHOI and Hyun-Young NAM Year: 2010 Journal: ORNITHOLOGICAL SCIENCE vol.7 page.85-91 紹介者: 深澤 真梨奈(地理生態学研究室学部4年) keyward:Breeding groups,Habitat preference,Japanese Wagtail motacilla grandis,Korea

Patterns of species assemblages and geographical distributions associated with mandible size differences in coastal tiger beetles in Japan

Authors: SATOH A,HORI M(Kyoto Univ.,Kyoto,JPN),UEDA T(Ishikawa Agricultural Coll.,Ishikawa,JPN)ENOKIDO Y(Yokohama School for the Deaf and Dumb,Yokohama,JPN) Year: 2003 Journal: Popul Ecol Vol.45 No.2 Page.67-74 紹介者: 脇海道 卓(地理生態…