
Studies on the Local Races of the Japanese Newts,Triturus Pyrrhogaster BOIE

Authors: Shozo SAWADA Year: 1963 Journal: Hiroshima University,1963 135-167 紹介者: 堀切 雄貴(地理生態学研究室学部4年) keyward:Japanese New;geographical cline;geographical variation;morphological characters;color pattern

Body Size and Age Structure of a Breeding Population of the Japanese Common Toad,Bufo japonicus formosus(Amphibia:Bufonidae)

Authors: Tamotsu Kusano,Kazuko Maruyama,and Shigenori Kaneko Year: 2010 Journal: Current Herpetorogy29(1):23-31 紹介者: 庭野 裕(地理生態学研究室修士2年) keyward:Bufo japonicus;Body size;Skeletochronology;Age structure;Age at first repro…